I'm Scott Kirkpatrick

A backend software developer that dabbles in game dev.



     Since graduating from the University of Virginia in 2018, I have been working on highly available backend systems. I primarily focus on an in-memory database management service, but also orchestrate and maintain ZooKeeper and Kafka clusters. Most recently I have been deep diving into Kubernetes through overhauling legacy bash infrastructure into operator-controlled cluster resources. Site Reliability Engineering is also a daily focus, whether it be through implementing automated systems that catch critical flaws before customers are affected, or just being a phone call away to remediate anything during our 24/7 operations.


All Professional Experience


Latest Post

Dec 18, 2020

The Unexpected Consequences of Single-use Kafka Producers

Kafka is fast. It’s also pretty lean in production too, taking up very little heap space and CPU. As an administrator of thousands of Kafka clusters, it’s gotten to a point where the behavior of the brokers are fairly known and there’s not really any major changes in resource usage patterns over time, even with new applications leveraging Kafka for their data. But there’s always outliers. One new feature relying on Kafka managed to bring a canary cluster to its knees, taking out the entire set of brokers deployed there. Read more


I’m happy to chat about anything, either send me a message on LinkedIn or feel free to write me an email!

[email protected]